Construction Regulations Courses

Get up to speed on industry legislation – At your own speed


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These e-learning courses are intended to educate the candidate about legislation, laws and best practices in the construction industry.

These construction regulation courses are self-directed, although the e-learning modules must be completed within 12 months of the date of booking.

These courses may be available in languages other than English. 


Please contact us for further details on

0330 175 7185

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 A man helping an injured construction worker

Accident Reporting E-Learning 

£XXX  per candidate

This e-learning course introduces candidates to accident reporting, what kind of accidents require reporting and the legal obligations therein. Candidates will also learn about what types of accidents need to be reported.

This course will cover:

  • The background of accident reporting
  • What need to be recorded
  • How to record an accident

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 Building blueprints

CDM Regulations E-Learning 

£XXX per candidate

Construction Design and Management (CDM) regulations are a set of regulations intended to ensure the health, safety and welfare of those involved in construction projects. This e-learning course will provide the candidates will the tools they need to plan new projects and the steps needed to maintain a safe construction site.

Course content will cover:

  • The details of CDM regulations
  • Planning a project
  • Maintaining site safety

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A person checking over files in an office

Fraud Awareness & Prevention E-Learning 

£XXX  per candidate

Fraud is an ever-increasing issue within the construction industry that can damage both workplaces and businesses as a whole. This e-learning course will train the candidate in measures that can be taken to protect their workplace from fraud.

This course will cover:

  • What is fraud?
  • Detecting fraud
  • Preventing fraud
  • External fraud
  • Reporting fraud

 Book this course here

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A woman shaking someone's hand in her office

HR Compliance & Wellbeing Essentials  

£XXX  per candidate

This course aims to help improve productivity by promoting wellbeing in the workplace. Candidates will learn how to navigate the workplace by addressing common HR-related issues, employment laws and regulations.?

This course will cover:

  • Equality, diversity and unconscious bias
  • Bully and harassment
  • Conflict resolution
  • Mental health

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Construction worker filling out a risk assessment

LOLER E-Learning 

£XXX  per candidate

This course aims to reduce the likelihood of accidents occurring as a result of lifting operations. Candidates will learn about the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998, how these can be applied to the workplace and how to plan a safe lifting operation.?

This course will cover:

  • What is LOLER?
  • Equipment selection
  • Location of equipment
  • Planning lifting operations
  • Maintaining lifting equipment

 Book this course here

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A worker wearing ear muffs

Noise Awareness E-Learning 

£XXX  per candidate

This course focuses on raising the candidate's awareness about the hazards of excessive noise in the workplace, the risks associated with this and how to mitigate them. This covers legislation, practical advice and learning about responsibilities.

This course will cover:

  • The human ear
  • Noise and responsibilities
  • The proper use of hearing protection

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A person filling out a risk assessment

Risk Assessments E-Learning  

£XXX  per candidate

This course trains the candidates in how to correctly carry out a risk assessment to help avoid workplace accidents, in accordance with the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Candidates will learn the 5 steps to a risk assessment and how to create an action plan.

This course will cover:

  • Why assess risks?
  • When should I assess risks?
  • The 5 steps to risk assessment
  • Risk assessment tools

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A person filling out a workplace harassment form

Sexual Harassment Awareness E-Learning 

£XXX  per candidate

This course is designed to raise the candidate's awareness about the prevalence of sexual harassment in the workplace, how to identify sexual harassment and the appropriate steps to take.?

This course will cover:

  • Sexual harassment awareness
  • Identifying sexual harassment
  • Confronting and reporting sexual harassment

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A women looking stressed in an office

Stress Awareness & Management E-Learning 

£XXX  per candidate

This course is designed to help the candidate identify, manage, prevent and reduce stress in the workplace. This is accomplished by teaching them the skills needed to recognise the symptoms of stress, understand its causes and implement effective strategies to tackle it.

This course will cover:

  • Understanding stress
  • Identifying stress
  • Reducing and preventing stress

 Book this course here

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